
澳门皇家赌城在线的市场部是 小而有影响力的团队. We aim to collaborate with our Pirate Community to help you put your best foot forward!


  • 市场营销
  • 外展
  • 通信
  • 社交媒体
  • 新闻及活动
  • 广告


  • 平面设计:传单,海报,明信片,名片
  • 摄影:事件,大头照
  • 新闻稿和文案
  • 广告:广播、平面媒体、社交媒体
  • 网页设计协助
  • 社交媒体发帖
  • 门户网站公告


我们不断地向我们的图库中添加照片. 参观画廊 经常查看最新添加的内容. 您可以下载并分享我们图库中的所有图片.

浏览我们的标志及品牌推广 portal for a full selection of downloadable, high-resolution logos. You'll also find our official 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 colors here as well.




找到和使用正确的VC标志是很容易的! 访问我们的媒体画廊,找到你需要的一切.
Using the official VC colors is the key to keeping our college branding on point. 请访问我们的门户网站获取颜色信息.
Our gallery is a great resource for updating your web page or for finding photos for marketing. 员工画像也可以在这里找到.



Vanessa Stotler |市场推广总监
Vanessa has over a decade of experience in managing marketing, outreach, and recruitment. She started her professional journey in higher education at Pacific Oaks College, where she grew the college’s offsite cohorts from zero to thirteen in less than two years. 2014年8月,凡妮莎被Michael D. Eisner College of Education (MDECOE) at 加州 State University, Northridge (CSUN)担任唯一招聘协调员. 在这个新创建的角色中, 她被指控执行征兵, 推广计划, and marketing for six academic departments and 27 different credential programs. 2019年1月, 她离开了CSUN,去峡谷学院寻求一个职位, where she managed the gathering and interpreting of statistical data, 国际合同, 预算, 负责国际项目办公室的通讯工作. 2020年3月, she was given an opportunity to transition to the private sector and work at a growing tech company as a 市场营销 Manager, where she managed a portfolio of over 20 clients in the legal sector. 
罗宾·赫斯特在澳门皇家赌城在线已经21年了. 除了担任女篮助理教练之外, he has worked with the department in a variety of duties including summer sports camps, 游戏管理和体育信息. 在2015-16年,他是临时副体育协调员, assisting with internal affairs of the college's 19 intercollegiate sports.

He is in his 10th year as the Pirates' Sports Information Officer where he is responsible for creating the vibrant webpages (www.VCweplayhard.com), pictures, and articles highlighting 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 体育运动.
Janeene Nagaoka | 市场营销, 通信 and 网页设计协调员

Janeene Nagaoka has over 35 years of graphic design and marketing experience. In addition to her primary role as the college’s “go-to” graphic designer, 珍妮通过网页设计完善了她的技能, 视频编辑, 摄影, 还有文案.  她以创造引人注目的作品而自豪, informative visual art while providing excellent customer service.

Janeene has been a 澳门皇家赌城在线 County Community College 区 employee since 2006 and has worked at each of our colleges and the district office. 2022年1月,她成为了一名全职海盗.

Janeene considers herself a “people person” and enjoys making personal connections. 在她的工作生活之外,她喜欢有创造力和狡猾. She also loves all things outdoors - biking, swimming, beaching, skiing, and backpacking. 

Jeanne Tanner | 市场营销, 通信 and 网页设计协调员

Jeanne Tanner is an accomplished marketing professional with a diverse background in journalism, 摄影, 创业, 特许经营所有权.

She has been a valuable member of the 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 市场营销部门 for the past four years, starting as an intern in 2019 and working her way up to become a 市场营销, 通信 & 网页设计协调员. 

建立关系, 用积极的态度对待生活, 终身学习是珍妮的特长. She earned an AS in Social Media 市场营销 from 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 in 2019 and a BA in 通信 Journalism with an English minor from Brigham Young University. 

In her free time, Jeanne enjoys sailing, hiking, and salsa dancing. 她将在2023年阅读24本西班牙语书籍.

萨尔瓦多·萨尔加多| Web开发人员

萨尔瓦多在洛杉矶出生和长大, 加州, 2019年从洛杉矶使命学院毕业后, 他转学到加州州立大学, 他在海峡群岛做网络助理. He was a fulltime student and worked at the university for 2 years where he went on to earn a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

在攻读学位期间, he has taken up a few internships which one later transitioned into a full time career. 目前在一家知名公司担任软件工程师, Salvador is also a skilled web developer who has honed his craft at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 with the marketing team.

When he's not working, Salvador likes to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. He can often be found boxing at the gym or participating in indoor soccer. 另外, he has taken up avocado growing as a hobby and finds joy in nurturing and harvesting his own crop.

Mallery Kinnun |办公室助理
Mallery Kinnun is a multifaceted professional who has excelled in both academia and the creative arts. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting and a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from Azusa Pacific University. Her academic career led her to graduating as a published author with experience in multiple aspects of acting, 编辑, 个人营销. 

As a new Pirate, Mallery is proud to be a part of the 市场营销 Team here at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学. 她的综合沟通技巧, camera work and marketing lends itself towards providing valuable support to this campus. Her strong work ethic and commitment to consistent growth make her a great asset to the department.

澳门皇家赌城在线外, Mallery is a professional actor who spends most of her time auditioning or taking classes. She is also an avid hiker and loves exploring new trails with her fiancé and their dog. Her creative inspiration for storytelling often comes from the natural beauty around her. She is also a big coffee fan and will gladly spend her travels trying new coffee shops. 